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This book aims to document the Monero protocol. Currently, work is being done to document Monero's consensus rules.

This being completed as a part of Cuprate, the Rust Monero node.

Consensus Rules

This chapter contains all of Monero's consensus rules, from genesis to now. Some rules are complex so have been split into their own chapter.

Rules that are not bound to consensus (relay rules) are not included here. Also we have not documented "rules" which are enforced by (de)serialization, for example it's impossible to have a ringCT signature in a version 1 transaction, rules that are unclear if they can be omitted or not should always be included.


  1. The Genesis Block
  2. Hard Forks
  3. Blocks
  4. Transactions


Canonically Encoded Scalar: an Ed25519 scalar which is fully reduced mod l, where \(l = 2^{252} + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 \).

Canonically Encoded Point: an Ed25519 point which is not the negative identity and with y coordinate fully reduced mod p, where \(p = 2^{255} - 19 \).

Prime Order Point: a point in the prime subgroup. PoW Hash: the hash calculated by using the active proof of work function.

Block Hash: the keccak hash of the block.

Transaction Blob: the raw bytes of a serialized transaction.

Block Blob: the raw bytes of a serialized block.

Chain Height: the amount of blocks in the chain, this is different to the height of the top block as blocks start counting at 0.

Ring (transactions inputs): the group of potential outputs of which one is the true spend.

Decoys (transactions inputs): the fake outputs used to hide the true spend, the length of this is equal to one minus the Rings length.

MixIns (transactions inputs): another term for Decoys


Monero has a hardcoded genesis block that gets added to the blockchain on the first run of the daemon1. The contents of this block are different depending on the network.

For all networks the timestamp is set to 0, the major and minor version of the block are set to CURRENT_BLOCK_MAJOR_VERSION and CURRENT_BLOCK_MINOR_VERSION2. These two constants are set to 1 and 0 respectively3. The transaction field is empty, and the previous block hash is not set so that field is zeroed.


The nonce is set to 10,000 and the miner transaction is set to: 013c01ff0001ffffffffffff03029b2e4c0281c0b02e7c53291a94d1d0cbff8883f8024f5142ee494ffbbd08807121017767aafcde9be00dcfd098715ebcf7f410daebc582fda69d24a28e9d0bc890d1 4

The mainnet genesis block will hash to: 418015bb9ae982a1975da7d79277c2705727a56894ba0fb246adaabb1f4632e3.

The final block:

    header: {
        major_version: 1,
        minor_version: 0,
        timestamp: 0,
        previous: [0; 32],
        nonce: 10000
    miner_tx: "013c01ff0001ffffffffffff03029b2e4c0281c0b02e7c53291a94d1d0cbff8883f8024f5142ee494ffbbd08807121017767aafcde9be00dcfd098715ebcf7f410daebc582fda69d24a28e9d0bc890d1",
    txs: [],


The nonce is set to 10,001 and the miner transaction is set to the same as mainnet5

The testnet genesis block will hash to 48ca7cd3c8de5b6a4d53d2861fbdaedca141553559f9be9520068053cda8430b.

The final block:

    header: {
        major_version: 1,
        minor_version: 0,
        timestamp: 0,
        previous: [0; 32],
        nonce: 10001
    miner_tx: "013c01ff0001ffffffffffff03029b2e4c0281c0b02e7c53291a94d1d0cbff8883f8024f5142ee494ffbbd08807121017767aafcde9be00dcfd098715ebcf7f410daebc582fda69d24a28e9d0bc890d1",
    txs: [],


The nonce is set to 10,002 and the miner transaction is set to: 013c01ff0001ffffffffffff0302df5d56da0c7d643ddd1ce61901c7bdc5fb1738bfe39fbe69c28a3a7032729c0f2101168d0c4ca86fb55a4cf6a36d31431be1c53a3bd7411bb24e8832410289fa6f3b 6.

The stagenet genesis block will hash to 76ee3cc98646292206cd3e86f74d88b4dcc1d937088645e9b0cbca84b7ce74eb.

The final block:

    header: {
        major_version: 1,
        minor_version: 0,
        timestamp: 0,
        previous: [0; 32],
        nonce: 10002
    miner_tx: "013c01ff0001ffffffffffff0302df5d56da0c7d643ddd1ce61901c7bdc5fb1738bfe39fbe69c28a3a7032729c0f2101168d0c4ca86fb55a4cf6a36d31431be1c53a3bd7411bb24e8832410289fa6f3b",
    txs: [],

Hard Forks

Monero makes use of hard-forks to update its protocol. Although it has never been used, Monero has a system in it's codebase to allow voting for activation of a hard-fork1. It works by using the blocks minor version field as a voting field, when enough blocks vote for a hard fork the fork is activated.

Because Monero has never used hard fork voting, you don't need to implement it but as it's included in the codebase, an explanation is included here.

Blocks version and vote

Monero uses the block's major version field as an indicator of hard-fork and the minor version field as an indicator of the blocks vote. A minor version of 0 is treated as a vote for 1 as legacy blocks use to just set this field to 02.

The block's vote must be greater than or equal to the version, a vote higher than the maximum known hard-fork is interpreted as a vote for the latest hard-fork3. So if a block is at V2 then the vote must be V2 or higher.

Accepting a fork

When a hard-fork is added to Monero's protocol it must specify a threshold, a number between 0 and 100, this is the proportion of blocks in the window that must vote for this fork (or a later one) for it to activate. For all current forks the threshold is 0 meaning that no votes are needed for the fork to activate.

Monero keeps track of a week (10,080 blocks) worth of votes4, when a new block is added Monero works backwards through the list of hard-forks (latest to oldest) tallying the votes and checking if the number of votes is bigger than the amount needed5, votes for later hardforks are also votes for previous hard-forks. The amount needed is calculated:

\( amountNeeded = \frac{windowSize * threshold + 99}{100} \)

If the amount of votes is greater than or equal to the amount needed and the current blockchain height is greater than or equal to the hard-fork height the HF is activated5.

Mainnet Hard-Forks 6

VersionHeightThresholdFinalized (timestamp)
1070Jul 04 2012 (1341378000)
210098270Sep 20 2015 (1442763710)
311413170Mar 21 2016 (1458558528)
412205160Jan 05 2017 (1483574400)
512886160Mar 14 2017 (1489520158)
614000000Aug 18 2017 (1503046577)
715460000Mar 17 2018 (1521303150)
816855550Sep 02 2018 (1535889547)
916862750Sep 02 2018 (1535889548)
1017880000Feb 10 2019 (1549792439)
1117887200Feb 15 2019 (1550225678)
1219784330Oct 18 2019 (1571419280)
1322100000Aug 23 2020 (1598180817)
1422107200Aug 24 2020 (1598180818)
1526888880Jun 30 2022 (1656629117)
1626896080Jun 30 2022 (1656629118)

Testnet Hard-Forks 8

VersionHeightThresholdFinalized (timestamp)
1070Jul 04 2012 (1341378000)
26246340Oct 20 2015 (1445355000)
38005000Aug 28 2016 (1472415034)
48012190Aug 28 2016 (1472415035)
58026600Aug 28 2016 (1472415036 + 86400*180)
69714000Aug 02 2017 (1501709789)
710570270Dec 02 2017 (1512211236)
810570580Aug 02 2018 (1533211200)
910577780Aug 03 2018 (1533297600)
1011543180Feb 14 2019 (1550153694)
1111550380Feb 15 2019 (1550225678)
1213087370Sep 27 2019 (1569582000)
1315439390Sep 02 2020 (1599069376)
1415446590Sep 02 2020 (1599069377)
1519828000May 16 2022 (1652727000)
1619835200May 17 2022 (1652813400)

Stagenet Hard-Forks 9

VersionHeightThresholdFinalized (timestamp)
1070Jul 04 2012 (1341378000)
2320000Mar 14 2018 (1521000000)
3330000Mar 15 2018 (1521120000)
4340000Mar 16 2018 (1521240000)
5350000Mar 18 2018 (1521360000)
6360000Mar 19 2018 (1521480000)
7370000Mar 21 2018 (1521600000)
81764560Sep 24 2018 (1537821770)
91771760Sep 24 2018 (1537821771)
102690000Feb 14 2019 (1550153694)
112697200Feb 15 2019 (1550225678)
124547210Oct 18 2019 (1571419280)
136754050Aug 23 2020 (1598180817)
146761250Aug 23 2020 (1598180818)
1511510000Jun 30 2022 (1656629117)
1611517200Jun 30 2022 (1656629118)


Monero C++ sets this to 1 even though the genesis block has a major version of 1.



This chapter contains all the rules that apply to a block. Miner transactions are included in this section as the rules that apply to them are different to normal transactions.


  1. Block Rules
  2. Difficulty
  3. Weights
  4. Block Reward
  5. Miner Transaction

Block Rules

Block Weight And Size

The block blob must not be bigger than (2 * the effective median weight + 100)1.

The block weight must not be more than 2 * the median weight for coinbase checks2.

Amount Of Transactions

The amount of transactions in a block (including the miner transaction) must be less than 0x100000003.

No Duplicate Transactions

There must be no duplicate transactions in the block or the blockchain4.

Key Images

There must be no duplicate key images in the block5, or the whole chain.

Previous ID

The blocks prev_id must equal the block hash of the last block6.

PoW Function

The proof of work function used depends on the hard-fork7:

hard-forkPoW function
1 to 6CryptoNight v0
7CryptoNight v1
8 to 9CryptoNight v2
10 to 11CryptoNight R
12 onwardsRandomX

For block 202612 always return the same PoW hash, no matter the network8.

PoW hash: 84f64766475d51837ac9efbef1926486e58563c95a19fef4aec3254f03000000

Checking PoW Hash

See checking PoW in the difficulty chapter.

RandomX Seed

The RandomX seed, which is used to set up the dataset, is a previous block hash in the blockchain.

The seed height is 0 if the current height is below or equal to \( 2048 + 64 \) otherwise is got by:

\( seedHeight = (height - 64 - 1) \land \lnot(2048 - 1) \)

with \( \land \) being a bit-and and \( \lnot \) being a bit-not.

You then get the block hash at seedHeight which is then the RandomX seed.9

Version And Vote

The block's major version must equal to the current hard-fork and the vote must be greater than or equal to the current hard-fork10.

Vote is not always the same as the minor version, see here.


The block's timestamp must not be more than the current UNIX time + 2 hours11 and the timestamp must not be less than the median timestamp over the last 60 blocks12, if there are less than 60 blocks in the chain then the timestamp is always valid.


Difficulty is a measure used to keep block production at a constant rate, it is the average amount of hashes before a solution is found.

Checking A Block's Proof Of Work

To check a block's PoW hash you interpret the hash as a little endian integer and multiply it by the difficulty, if the result does not overflow the hash is valid1:

\(Hash * difficulty <= MAXu256 \)

Calculating Difficulty

To calculate difficulty, Monero keeps a window of the last 7352 timestamps and cumulative difficulties, if there are not enough blocks, then you just use as many as possible.

The genesis block is skipped for these calculations3 so should not be included in the timestamp / CD list but it is included in the cumulative difficulty of the chain.

If the amount of blocks is less than or equal to 1 then 1 is returned as the difficulty4.

The timestamps and cumulative difficulties are then shortened to 7205 blocks so that calculations lag 15 blocks behind the chain.

The timestamps are then sorted, in ascending order. We now need to get a time span value to do this we first remove the outliers:

If the number of timestamps is less than or equal to the amount of blocks we are accounting for (600: 720 - 2 * 60) then the lower is set to 0 and the upper is set to the length of timestamps. Otherwise, if we have enough timestamps, the lower and upper is calculated by6:

\(lower = \frac{len(timestamps) - 600+1}{2} \)

\(upper = lower + 600 \)

We then get the timestamp at position lower and take this away from the timestamp at position upper -1 to get timeSpan. If timeSpan is 0 we set it to 17.

We also get the cumulative difficulty at position lower and take this away from the cumulative difficulty at position upper -1 to get totalWork.

The next difficulty is then calculated by8:

\(difficulty = \frac{totalWork * targetSeconds + timeSpan -1}{timeSpan} \)

Target Seconds

For hard-fork v1 the target seconds is 60, so one block a minute. For hard-fork 2 onwards block time is 1209.

Block Weights

Monero's blockchain, unlike other blockchains, has dynamic block sizes which means blocks expand to handle demand. However Monero does not allow unrestricted block growth, miners will face a penalty for expanding blocks and miners are restricted by how much they can expand a block.


  1. Penalty Free Zone
  2. Blocks Weight
  3. Long Term Block Weight
  4. Effective Median Weight
  5. Median Weight For Coinbase Checks

Penalty Free Zone

Monero sets a minimum max block weight so that miners don't get punished for expanding small blocks.

For hf 1 this is 20000 bytes, for hf 2-4 this is 60000 and from 5 onwards this is 300000 bytes1.

Blocks Weight

A blocks weight is the sum of all the transactions weights in a block, including the miner transaction. The block header and transaction hashes are not included2.

Long Term Block Weight

The block's long term weight is the block's weight adjusted with previous block's weights.

Calculating A Blocks Long Term Weight

Up until hard-fork 10, the blocks long term weight is just the block's weight3.

From hard-fork 10 onwards we first get the median long term weight over the last 100,000 blocks, if this is less than the penalty free zone then set the median long term weight to this instead4.

Now we need to set a shot term constraint and adjusted block weight, the way we do this is different depending on the hard-fork.

From hard-fork 10 to 145:

\(adjustedBlockWeight = blockWeight\)

\(shortTermConstraint = medianLongTermWeight * 1.4\)

From 15 onwards6:

\(adjustedBlockWeight = max(blockWeight, \frac{medianLongTermWeight}{1.7})\)

\(shortTermConstraint = medianLongTermWeight * 1.7\)

Now the long term weight is defined as min(adjustedBlockWeight, shortTermConstraint)7.

Effective Median Weight

The effective median weight is used to calculate block reward and to limit block size.

Calculating Effective Median Weight

For any hard-fork the minimum this can be is the penalty free zone8.

Up until hard-fork 10, this is done by just getting the median block weight over the last 100 blocks9, if there are less than 100 blocks just get the median over all the blocks.

For hf 10 onwards, we first get the median long term weight over the last 100,000 blocks10, if this median is less than the hf 5 penalty free zone set the median to that, this is the long term median.

Now get the median block weight over the last 100 blocks, this is the short term median.

Now we can calculate the effective median, for hard-forks 10 to 14 this is done by11:

\(effectiveMedian = min(max(hf5PenaltyFreeZone, shortTermMedian), 50 * longTermMedian) \)

From 15 onwards this is done by:

\(effectiveMedian = min(max(longTermMedian, shortTermMedian), 50 * longTermMedian) \)

Median Weight For Coinbase Checks

When checking coinbase transactions and block weight Monero uses yet another median weight :).

Calculating Median Weight For Coinbase Checks

Before hf 12 this is the median block weight over the last 100 blocks12.

From hf 12 this is the effective median weight13

Block Reward

The block reward is the amount paid out to a miner for mining a block.

Calculating Base Block Reward

The base block reward is the reward before factoring in the potential penalty for expanding blocks.

To calculate the base block reward you first need the total amount of coins already generated, then define:

1 \(moneySupply = 2^{64} -1 \)

2 \(emissionSpeedFactor = 20 - (targetMinutes - 1) \)

where targetMinutes is the target block time in minutes.

The baseReward is then calculated by:

3 \(baseReward = (moneySupply - alreadyGeneratedCoins) >> emissionSpeedFactor \)

If baseReward falls below the final subsidy (0.3 XMR / minute) them set the baseReward to that instead 4.

Calculating Block Reward

First calculate the base block reward.

Now we need to get the median weight for block rewards

If the current block weight is not more than the median weight then the block reward is the base reward.

Otherwise the block reward is:5

\(blockReward = baseReward * (1 - (\frac{blockWeight}{effectiveMedianWeight} -1)^2) \)

Miner Transaction Rules


Miner transactions are handled differently to normal transactions, see here for the rules on normal transactions.



The transactions version must be either 1 or 21.

The version can be 1 or 2 up to hard-fork 12 then it must be 22.


The transaction must only have one input and it must be of type txin_gen3.

The height specified in the input must be the actual block height4.

RingCT Type

From hard-fork 12 version 2 miner transactions must have a ringCT type of Null5.

Unlock Time

The unlock time must be the current height + 606.

Output Amounts

The output, when summed, must not overflow7.

For only hard-fork 3 the output amount must be a valid decomposed amount8, which means the amount must be in this table.

Total Outputs

The reward from the block + the total fees must not be more than the summed output amount9.

For hard-fork 1 and from 12 onwards the summed output amount must equal the reward + fees10 this means from 2 till 11 miners can collect less if they want less dust.

Output Type

The output type allowed depends on the hard-fork11:

hard-forkoutput type
1 to 14txout_to_key
15txout_to_key and txout_to_tagged_key
16 onwardstxout_to_tagged_key

For hard-fork 15 both are allowed but the transactions outputs must all be the same type.

Zero Amount V1 Output

Monero does not explicitly ban zero amount V1 outputs on miner transactions but the database throws an error if a 0 amount output doesn't have a commitment 12 meaning they are banned.

V2 Output Pool

When adding version 2 miner transactions to the blockchain, put the outputs into the 0 amount pool and create dummy commitments of:13

\(commitment = G + amount * H \)

Transaction Rules


This chapter does not include miner, coinbase, transactions as they are handled elsewhere, the rules for them are under blocks


  1. Miscellaneous Rules
  2. Input Rules
  3. Output Rules
  4. Unlock Time
  5. Ring Signatures
  6. RingCT

Miscellaneous Rules


Version 0 is never allowed1.

The max transaction version is 1 up to hard fork 4 then the max is 22.

The minimum tx version is 1 up until version 6 then if the number of un-mixable inputs is 0 the minimum is 2 otherwise 13 so a version 1 transaction is allowed if the amount it's spending does not have enough outputs with the same amount to mix with.

Transaction Size

The size of the transaction blob must not be bigger than 1 million bytes4.

From v8, the transaction's weight must not be bigger than half of the block penalty free zone minus 6005.

Calculating Transaction Weight

For all transactions that don't use bulletproofs or bulletproofs+ the weight is just the length of the transaction blob.6

For bulletproofs(+) transactions we add a "clawback" onto the transaction.

To calculate the "clawback" we fist define a bpBase which is the size of a 2 output proof, normalized to 1 proof by dividing by 27:

for bulletproofs: \(fields = 9\)

for bulletproofs+: \(fields = 6\)

\(bpBase = \frac{(32 * (fields + 7 * 2))}{2}\)

Next we calculate the size of the bulletproofs(+) field by first getting the first power of 2 above or equal to the number of outputs: firstPower2AboveNumbOuts.

If firstPower2AboveNumbOuts is <= 2 then the \(clawback = 0\)8.

Next define the number of L and R elements9: \(nlr = firstPower2AboveNumbOuts + 6\)

now the size of the bulletproofs(+) field is10:

\(bpSize = 32 * (fields + 2 * nlr)\)

now the clawback is11:

\( clawback = \frac{(bpBase * firstPower2AboveNumbOuts - bpSize) * 4}{ 5} \)

To get the transaction weight now you just get the length of the transaction blob and add this clawback12.

Transaction Inputs


These rules apply to transaction inputs, excluding miner transactions.


  1. Necessary Functions/Definitions
  2. Rules

Necessary Functions/Definitions

Default Minimum Decoys

This is the default number of decoys an input must at least have.

There are exceptions to this being the minimum decoy size for all transactions. See further down in Rules.

Hard-ForkMinimum Decoys1
2 to 52
8 to 1410

Minimum And Maximum Decoys Used

To check a transaction input's ring size we must first get the minimum and maximum number of decoys used in the transactions inputs2.

So if this was our transactions:

Ring size12816

The minimum and maximum amount of decoys would be 7 and 15 respectively.

Mixable And Un-Mixable Inputs

A mixable input is one that has enough outputs on the chain with the same amount to be able to build a ring with the minimum amount of decoys needed.

A ringCT input, aka an output with 0 amount, is always considered mixable3.

For other inputs you first get the amount of outputs on chain with that amount and check if that's less than or equal to the default minimum amount of decoys if it is then the input is un-mixable otherwise it is mixable4.


No Empty Inputs

The transaction must have at least 1 input5.

No Empty decoys

All inputs must have decoys6.

Input Type

All inputs must be of type txin_to_key7.

Inputs Must Not Overflow

The inputs when summed must not overflow a u64 and the outputs when summed must not either8.

Unique Ring Members

From hard-fork 6, all ring members in an input must be unique, this is done by checking that no key_offset after the first is 09.

Unique Key Image

The key image must be unique in a transaction10 and the whole chain 11.

Torsion Free Key Image

The key image must be a canonical prime order point12.

Minimum Decoys

These rules are in effect from hard fork 2.

First you get the minimum number of decoys used in the transaction.

Then you get the amount of mixable and un-mixable inputs.

Now get the default minimum decoys allowed for the current hard-fork.

If the minimum amount of decoys used in the transaction is less than the default minimum decoys allowed then the transaction is only allowed if there is at least one input which is un-mixable13.

If there is an un-mixable then the transaction is not allowed to have more than 1 mixable input as well.

Special rules14:

  • For hard-fork 15, both 10 and 15 decoys are allowed.
  • From hard-fork 8 upwards, the minimum amount of decoys used in a transaction must be equal to the minimum allowed.

Equal Number Of Decoys

From hard-fork 12, all inputs must have the same number of decoys15.

Sorted Inputs

From hard-fork 7, the inputs must be sorted by key image, in descending lexicographic order16.

10 Block Lock

From hard-fork 12, all ring members must be at least 10 blocks old17.

The Output Must Exist

The output a transaction references must exist in the chain18.

The Output Must Not Be Locked

The outputs, which are referenced in the inputs, unlock time must have passed, see the chapter on unlock time.

Transaction Outputs


These rules apply to transaction outputs, excluding miner transaction outputs.


Outputs Must Not Overflow

The outputs when summed must not overflow a u641.

Output Amount

For version 1, txs sum of the outputs must be less than the sum of the inputs, the difference between the inputs and the outputs is then the fee.2 The amount of each output must also not be zero.3

From hard-fork 2, version 1 transaction output amounts also must be validly decomposed4. A valid decomposed amount is an amount contained in this table

For version 2, txs all outputs must have a zero amount.5

Output Keys Canonical

All output public keys must be canonical points6.

This was added as a rule in hard-fork 4 but that check is redundant as it was done before that. So how did invalid keys get on the chain? miner txs.

Output Type

The output type allowed depends on the hard-fork7:

hard-forkoutput type
1 to 14txout_to_key
15txout_to_key and txout_to_tagged_key
16 onwardstxout_to_tagged_key

For hard-fork 15, both are allowed but the transactions outputs must all be the same type8.

2 Outputs

From hard-fork 12, version 2 transactions (RCT) must have 2 outputs9.

Unlock Time

To spend an output the output's unlock time must have passed.

Interpreting An Unlock Time

The unlock time is just a 64 bit unsigned number. It is interpreted as a block height if less than 500,000,000 otherwise it's a Unix timestamp1.

Checking The Output Is Unlocked

Block Height

First you get the top blocks height and add one, we do this because we are checking if the transaction is allowed in the next block not the last.

We now check if this height is greater than or equal to the unlock time if it is then accept the block2.


Getting The Current Time

Before hard-fork 13, this was done by just getting the computer's time, from hf 13 onwards, we use an average over the last blocks3.

Monero uses the last 60 blocks to get an average, if the chain height is less than 60, just use the current time4.

First you get the median timestamp of the last 60 blocks. We then project this timestamp to match approximately when the block being validated will appear, to do this we do5:

\(adjustedMedian = median + \frac{(TimestampWindow + 1) * DifficultyTarget}{2} \)


\(TimestampWindow = 60\)

\(DifficultyTarget = 120\)

You then get the top block's timestamp and add the target seconds per block6.

The timestamp we use is then the minimum out of the adjusted median and adjusted most recent timestamp7.

Checking Timestamp Has Passed

Now with our timestamp we add the target seconds per block and check if this is more than or equal to the unlock time8.

Transaction Version 1 Rules


These rules apply only to version 1, pre-ringCT, transactions.


Amount Of Ring Signatures

The amount of ring signatures must be the same as the number of inputs1.

Amount Of Signatures In A Ring

For a ring signature at a certain index, the input at that same index must have the same amount of ring members as the ring signature has signatures2.

Signatures Must Be Canonical

Every signatures c and r value must be canonical scalars3.

Ring Members Must Be Valid Points

All outputs used as ring members must be valid canonical points4.

The Ring Signature Must Be Valid

The ring signature must be correctly formed5.

Ring Confidential Transactions


Ring confidential transactions are version 2 Monero transactions which keep amounts hidden. They were activated at hard-fork 4. There are multiple types of RingCT transactions that were activated and deprecated at different hard-forks.


OutPK: A pedersen commitment to the output amount.

Pseudo-outs: A pedersen commitment to the true spends amount with a different mask, such that the sum of the pseudo-outs is the same as the sum of the outPKs + fee * H.


  1. Rules That Apply To All Types
  2. Simple Types Rules
  3. Borromean Rules
  4. MLSAG Rules
  5. Bulletproofs Rules
  6. CLSAG Rules
  7. Bulletproofs+ Rules

Rules That Apply To All Types


RingCT type define the proofs used in the transaction, the ringCT types allowed depend on the hard-fork:

Type (Name)Short descriptionHard Fork allowedHard Fork disallowed
0 (NULL)No ringCT signatures, used for coinbase transactions4 (only miner transactions) 1Still allowed
1 (Full)A single aggregate MLSAG signature with borromean range proofs4 19 2
2 (Simple)MLSAG signatures per input with borromean range proofs4 19 2
3 (Bulletproof)MLSAG signatures per input with a single bulletproof for all outputs8 211 3
4 (Bulletproof2)Uses the same signatures as type 310 314 (except 2 transactions) 4
5 (CLSAG)CLSAG signatures per input with a single bulletproof for all outputs13 416 5
6 (Bulletproof+)CLSAG signatures per input with a single bulletproof+ for all outputs15 5Still allowed
6+Future type not currently allowedNot allowed 6Not allowed

There are 2 type 4 RCT transactions that are allowed after hard-fork 13, this was due to a bug in which transactions added to the txpool before a fork were not being checked for new fork rules they are: c5151944f0583097ba0c88cd0f43e7fabb3881278aa2f73b3b0a007c5d34e910 and 6f2f117cde6fbcf8d4a6ef8974fcac744726574ac38cf25d3322c996b21edd4c7.

OutPKs Valid Points

All outPKs must be canonically encoded points8.

Simple Types Rules

These rules apply to all RCT "simple" types, which are all except type "FULL".

Pseudo-outs Valid Points

This rule applies to the pseudo-outs, from type 3 (Bulletproof) the pseudo-outs field moved to the prunable RCT section from the non-prunable section.

The pseudo-outs must all be canonically encoded points9.

Pseudo-outs OutPKs Balance

The sum of the pseudo-outs must equal the sum of the OutPKs + fee * H:10

\(\sum PseudoOuts == \sum outPK + fee * H \)


There is no direct code allowing these types of RingCT, these are the original types that got activated when version 2 transactions got activated

Borromean Rules


These rules apply to all ringCT types that use Borromean ring signatures to prove an output amount is in the correct range.


Number Of Borromean Range Proofs

The amount of Borromean range proofs must be the same as the number of outputs.1

Ci Valid Points

Each Ci (bit commitment) must be canonically encoded points.2

Sum Ci

For a range proof at a certain index the sum of each Ci must equal the outPK at that index.3

Borromean Scalar Encoding

Monero does not check that the scalars s0 and s1 are reduced this leads to them, if not reduced, being interpreted as a different scalar by the slide function which calculates the 5-NAF of the number. The slide function restricts its output to 256 bytes however if the last bit is set on the input this could lead to the 5-NAF of the scalar being 257 bytes long. There are scalars on the chain which have this behavior.4

The scalar ee must be a fully reduced scalar as it is compared against the raw bytes of an output from the hash_to_scalar function.5

The Borromean Ring Must Be Valid

To verify a Borromean ring signature is valid you must first set up the public keys that the ring will be verified with, one member of the ring will be a Ci the other will be (\(Ci - H * 2^X \)), where X is the index of the Ci. By setting up the ring like this the prover will only know the discreet log of a ring member if either the Ci is a commitment to 0 or \(2^X\)6.

After setting up the public keys the actual borromean rings must be valid.7



These rules are split into 3 sections: Full, Simple and Both. Full is for RCT type Full and Simple are for the other RCT types that use MLSAG signatures.

Simple is not just for RCT type Simple!


  1. Full Rules
  2. Simple Rules

Full Rules

Creating The Ring Matrix (Full)

For RCT type full the ring matrix contains every inputs ring members: 1

(The signer owns a whole column)


The last row contains: \(\sum CommitmentsAtIndex - \sum outPK - fee * H \) 2

Where CommitmentsAtIndex are the ring members commitments in that column.

Which means that for the true spends column the entry in the last row will be commitment to 0.

By structuring the matrix like this the true spend has to be a the same index in each inputs ring, which is not good for privacy.

Number Of Ring Members

There must be the same amount of ring members in each inputs ring.3


There must be only one MLSAG signature.4

Simple Rules

Creating The Ring Matrix (Simple)

For simple RCT types the ring matrix only contains the ring members of a single input: 5


The last row contains the ring members commitment minus the pseudo-out for this input.6

Simple Number Of MLSAGs

There must be the same amount of MLSAG signatures as there are inputs.4

Rules That Apply To Both

More Than One Ring Member

There must be more than one ring member.7

SS Size

The ss field must be the same length as the key matrix8 and each ss member lengths must be the same as the matrix's rows. 9

SS, CC Canonical Encoding

Every ss element and cc must be fully reduced scalars.10

Key Images Not Identity

All the key images must not be equal to the identity point.11

The MLSAG Signature Must Be Correct

The signature must be valid.12

Bulletproofs Rules


These rules apply to all ringCT types that use bulletproofs.


L & R Length

The Length of the L & R fields must be the same, they must both be equal to \( 6 + log_2(firstPower2AboveNumbOuts) \).1

Where firstPower2AboveNumbOuts is the first power of 2 above or equal to the amount of outputs in the transaction, so:

If outputs = 3, firstPower2AboveNumbOuts = 4.

If outputs = 8, firstPower2AboveNumbOuts = 8.

Number Of Bulletproofs

There must only be one bulletproof in a transaction.2

Max Outputs

The amount of outputs in the transaction must not be more 16 3

At Least One Output

There must be at least one element of V, which is constructed from the outPKs which must have the same number of elements as the outputs.4

Canonical Encoding

taux, mu, a, b, t must all be fully reduced scalars5.

All the elements of V, L, R and A, T1, T2 and S must all be valid, canonically encoded points.6

The Bulletproof Must Be Valid

The bulletproof must pass verification. 7



These rules apply to all ringCT types that use CLSAG signatures.


Number Of CLSAGs

There must be the same number of CLSAG signatures as there are inputs.1

s Size

The s field must have has many elements as the amount of ring members.2

Canonical Encoding

All s scalars must be fully reduced, the c1 scalar must be fully reduced3 and the D point must be canonically encoded.4

Key Images Not Identity

The key image and 8 * D, the commitment key image, must both not be the identity point.5

The CLSAG Signature Must Be Correctly Formed

The signature must be valid.6

Bulletproofs+ Rules


These rules apply to all ringCT types that use bulletproofs+.


L & R Length

The Length of the L & R fields must be the same, they must both be equal to \( 6 + log_2(firstPower2AboveNumbOuts) \).1

Where firstPower2AboveNumbOuts is the first power of 2 above or equal to the amount of outputs in the transaction, so:

If outputs = 3, firstPower2AboveNumbOuts = 4.

If outputs = 8, firstPower2AboveNumbOuts = 8.

Number Of Bulletproofs

There must only be one bulletproof in a transaction.2

Max Outputs

The amount of outputs in the transaction must not be more than 16 3

Canonical Encoding

r1, s2, d1 must all be canonically encoded, reduced, scalars.4 All the points of V, L and R must be canonically encoded and A1, B and A must canonically encoded points.5

At Least One Output

There must be at least one element of V, which is constructed from the outPKs which must have the same number of elements as the outputs.6

The Bulletproof Must Be Valid

The bulletproof must pass verification. 7

P2P Network

This chapter contains descriptions of Monero's peer to peer network, including messages, flows, etc.

Levin Protocol

This chapter describes the levin protocol.


A Bucket is a single piece of data that the levin protocol parser can decode, it will contain a p2p message or it will be part of a chain of buckets that will be combined into a single message.

Bucket Format

FieldTypeSize (bytes)



FieldTypeSize (bytes)
SignatureLE u648
SizeLE u648
Expect Responsebool1
CommandLE u324
Return CodeLE i324
FlagsLE u324
Protocol VersionLE u324


The signature field is fixed for every bucket and is used to tell apart peers running different protocols.

Its value should be 0x0101010101012101 2


This field represents the size of the buckets body.

Expect Response

Messages with the expect response field set must be responded to in order, other messages are still allowed in between responses.


This field is an identifier for what specific message the bucket's body contains.

Return Code

This field represents the status of the response from the peer, requests and notifications should set this to 0 and successful responses should be 1.


This is a bit-flag field that determines what type of bucket this is3:

TypeBits set
Start Fragment0000_0100
End Fragment0000_1000

Protocol Version

This is a fixed value of 1.

Bucket Body

All bucket bodies are serialized in the epee binary format which is described here:

Exact message types are described in the next chapters.

Admin Messages

This chapter describes admin messages, and documents the current admin messages. Admin messages are a subset of messages that handle connection creation, making sure connections are still alive, and sharing peer lists.


All admin messages are in the request/response levin format. This means requests will set the expect response bit and responses will set the return code to 1.



ID: 10011

Request 2

node_databasic node dataStatic information about our node
payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state

Response 3

node_databasic node dataStatic information about our node
payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state
local_peerlist_newA Vec of peer list entry baseA list of peers in the node's peer list

Timed Sync

ID: 10024

Request 5

payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state

Response 6

payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state
local_peerlist_newA Vec of peer list entry baseA list of peers in the node's peer list


ID: 10037

Request 8

No data is serialized for a ping request.

Response 9

statusstringWill be OK for successful pings
peer_idu64The self assigned id of the peer

Request Support Flags

ID: 100710

Request 11

No data is serialized for a ping request.

Response 12

support_flagsu32The peer's support flags

Protocol Messages

This chapter describes protocol messages, and documents the current protocol messages. Protocol messages are used to share protocol data like blocks and transactions.


All protocol messages are in the notification levin format. Although there are some messages that fall under requests/responses, levin will treat them as notifications.

All admin messages are in the request/response levin format. This means requests will set the expect response bit and responses will set the return code to 1.


Notify New Block

ID: 20011

bBlock Complete EntryThe full block
current_blockchain_heightu64The current chain height

Notify New Transactions

ID: 20022

txsA vector of bytesThe txs
_BytesPadding to prevent traffic volume analysis
dandelionpp_fluffboolTrue if this message contains fluff txs, false if stem

Notify Request Get Objects

ID: 20033

blocksA vector of [u8; 32] serialized as a single stringThe block IDs requested
pruneboolTrue if we want the blocks in pruned form, false otherwise

Notify Response Get Objects

ID: 20044

blocksA vector of Block Complete EntryThe blocks that were requested
missed_idsA vector of [u8; 32] serialized as a single stringIDs of any missed blocks
current_blockchain_heightu64The current blockchain height

Notify Request Chain

ID: 20065

block_idsA vector of [u8; 32] serialized as a single stringA list of block IDs in reverse chronological order, the top and genesis block will always be included
pruneboolTrue if we want the response to contain pruned blocks, false otherwise

Notify Response Chain Entry

ID: 20076

start_heightu64The start height of the entry
total_heightu64The height of the peer's blockchain
cumulative_difficultyu64The low 64 bits of the cumulative difficulty
cumulative_difficulty_top64u64The high 64 bits of the cumulative difficulty
m_block_idsA vector of [u8; 32] serialized as a single stringThe block IDs in this entry
m_block_weightsA vector of u64 serialized as a single stringThe block weights
first_blockbytes (epee string)The header of the first block in m_block_ids

Notify New Fluffy Block

ID: 20087

bBlock Complete EntryThe block, may or may not contain txs
current_blockchain_heightu64The current chain height

Notify Request Fluffy Missing Tx

ID: 20098

block_hash[u8; 32] serialized as a stringThe block hash txs are needed from
current_blockchain_heightu64The current chain height
missing_tx_indicesA vector of u64 serialized as a single stringThe indices of the needed txs in the block

Notify Get Txpool Compliment

ID: 20109

hashesA vector of [u8; 32] serialized as a stringThe current txpool txs


Common P2P Types

This chapter contains definitions of types used in multiple P2P messages.

Support Flags

Support flags specify any protocol extensions the peer supports, currently only the first bit is used:

FLUFFY_BLOCKS = 1 - for if the peer supports receiving fluffy blocks.

Basic Node Data 1

network_idA UUID (epee string)A fixed constant value for a specific network (mainnet,testnet,stagenet)
my_portu32The peer's inbound port, if the peer does not want inbound connections this should be 0
rpc_portu16The peer's RPC port, if the peer does not want inbound connections this should be 0
rpc_credits_per_hashu32States how much it costs to use this node in credits per hashes, 0 being free
peer_idu64A fixed ID for the node, set to 1 for anonymity networks
support_flagssupport flags (u32)Specifies any protocol extensions the peer supports

Core Sync Data 2

current_heightu64The current chain height
cumulative_difficultyu64The low 64 bits of the cumulative difficulty
cumulative_difficulty_top64u64The high 64 bits of the cumulative difficulty
top_id[u8; 32] (epee string)The hash of the top block
top_versionu8The hardfork version of the top block
pruning_seedu32THe pruning seed of the node, 0 if the node does no pruning

Network Address 3

Network addresses are serialized differently than other types, the fields needed depend on the type field:

typeu8The address type
addrAn object whose fields depend on typeThe address


type = 1

m_ipu32The IPv4 address
m_portu16The port


type = 2

addr[u8; 16] (epee string)The IPv6 address
m_portu16The port





Peer List Entry Base 4

adrNetwork AddressThe address of the peer
idu64The random, self assigned, ID of this node
last_seeni64A field marking when this peer was last seen, although this is zeroed before sending over the network
pruning_seedu32This peer's pruning seed, 0 if the peer does no pruning
rpc_portu16This node's RPC port, 0 if this peer has no public RPC port.
rpc_credits_per_hashu32States how much it costs to use this node in credits per hashes, 0 being free

Tx Blob Entry 5

blobbytes (epee string)The pruned tx blob
prunable_hash[u8; 32] (epee string)The hash of the prunable part of the tx

Block Complete Entry 6

prunedboolTrue if the block is pruned, false otherwise
blockbytes (epee string)The block blob
block_weightu64The block's weight
txsdepends on prunedThe transaction blobs, the exact type depends on pruned

If pruned is true:

txs is a vector of Tx Blob Entry

If pruned is false:

txs is a vector of bytes.




Message Flows

Message flows are sets of messages sent between peers, that achieve an identifiable goal, like a handshake. Some message flows are complex, involving many message types, whereas others are simple, requiring only 1.

The message flows here are not every possible request/response.

When documenting checks on the messages, not all checks are documented, only the ones notable. This should help to reduce the maintenance burden.

Different Flows


Handshakes are used to establish connections to peers.


The default handshake flow is made up of the connecting peer sending a handshake request and the receiving peer responding with a handshake response.

It should be noted that not all other messages are banned during handshakes, for example, support flag requests and even some protocol requests can be sent.

Handshake Request Checks

The receiving peer will check:

  • The network_id is network ID expected.1
  • The connection is an incoming connection.2
  • The peer hasn't already completed a handshake.3
  • If the network zone is public, then the peer_id must not be the same as ours.4
  • The core sync data is not malformed.5

Handshake Response Checks

The initiating peer will check:

  • The network_id is network ID expected.6
  • The number of peers in the peer list is less than 250.7
  • All peers in the peer list are in the same zone.8
  • The core sync data is not malformed.5
  • If the network zone is public, then the peer_id must not be the same as ours.9

Timed Syncs

A timed sync request is sent every 60 seconds to make sure the connection is still live.


First the timed sync initiator will send a timed sync request, the receiver will then respond with a timed sync response

Timed Sync Request Checks

  • The core sync data is not malformed.1

Timed Sync Response Checks

  • The core sync data is not malformed.1
  • The number of peers in the peer list is less than 250.2
  • All peers in the peer list are in the same zone.3

New Block

This is used whenever a new block is to be sent to peers. Only the fluffy block flow is described here, as the other method is deprecated.


First the peer with the new block will send a new fluffy block notification, if the receiving peer has all the txs in the block then the flow is complete. Otherwise the peer sends a fluffy missing transactions request to the first peer, the first peer will then respond with again a new fluffy block notification but with the transactions requested.


New Transactions

Monero uses the dandelion++ protocol to pass transactions around the network, this flow just describes the actual tx passing between nodes part.


This flow is pretty simple, the txs are put into a new transactions notification and sent to peers.

Hopefully in the future this is changed.

There must be no duplicate txs in the notification.1

Chain Sync

Chain sync is the first step in syncing a peer's blockchain, it allows a peers to find the split point in their chains and for the peer to learn about the missing block IDs.


The first step is for the initiating peer is to get its compact chain history. The compact chain history must be in reverse chronological order, with the first block being the top block and the last the genesis, if the only block is the genesis then that only needs to be included once. The blocks in the middle are not enforced to be at certain locations, however monerod will use the top 11 blocks and will then go power of 2 offsets from then on, i.e. {13, 17, 25, ...}

Then, with the compact history, the initiating peer will send a request chain message, the receiving peer will then find the split point and return a response chain entry message.

The response chain entry will contain a list of block IDs with the first being a common ancestor and the rest being the next blocks that come after that block in the peer's chain.

Response Checks

  • There must be an overlapping block.1
  • The amount of returned block IDs must be less than 25,000.2

Get Blocks

The get block flow is used to download batches of blocks from a peer.


The initiating peer needs a list of block IDs that the receiving peer has, this can be done with the chain sync flow.

With a list a block IDs the initiating peer will send a get objects request message, the receiving peer will then respond with get objects response.

Request Checks

  • The amount of blocks must be less than 100.1


Monero pruning works by having 8 possible pruning seeds, the seed chosen will decide what part of the blockchain's signing data your node will keep. Each pruned peer generates their pruning seed randomly.


This is the amount of different blockchain portions that a pruned peer could keep. For Monero this is currently 8, this means the blockchain's signing data is split into 8 portions.

Stripes Size

Depending on your stripe (and therefore your seed) monerod will store, in a cyclic manner, a portion of blocks while discarding the ones that are out of your stripe. The stripe's size is amount of blocks before another stripe will have to store their portion of blocks, it is set at 4096. That means that in terms of a block's height, the first pruning stripe will store blocks 0 to 4095, the second stripes will store blocks 4096 to 8191, the third stripe will store blocks 8192 to 12288... etc. While a specific stripe is storing a portion of the blockchain, nodes with another stripe can just discard them. This is shown in the table below:

will have blocks0 - 40954096 - 81918192 - 12287..........
32768 - 36863..............

Tip Blocks

Blocks within 5500 of the tip of the chain will not be pruned.

Generating Pruning Seeds

The function in Monero to generate pruning seeds:

uint32_t make_pruning_seed(uint32_t stripe, uint32_t log_stripes)
  CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(log_stripes <= PRUNING_SEED_LOG_STRIPES_MASK, "log_stripes out of range");
  CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(stripe > 0 && stripe <= (1ul << log_stripes), "stripe out of range");
  return (log_stripes << PRUNING_SEED_LOG_STRIPES_SHIFT) | ((stripe - 1) << PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_SHIFT);

This function takes in a stripe which is number 1 to 8 including(1 & 8) and a log_stripes which is log2 of the amount of different stripes (8) which is 3.

The constants used in this function:

static constexpr uint32_t PRUNING_SEED_LOG_STRIPES_SHIFT = 7;
static constexpr uint32_t PRUNING_SEED_LOG_STRIPES_MASK = 0x7;
static constexpr uint32_t PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_SHIFT = 0;

The possible inputs/outputs of this function (log_stripes is always 3)

input (stripe)output (seed)

Getting A Seed's Log Stripes

Monero currently only accepts a log stripes value of 3 and will reject any peers that use a different value. The function to calculate a seed's log stripes is:

constexpr inline uint32_t get_pruning_log_stripes(uint32_t pruning_seed) { 

This will only return 3 for all currently valid Monero seeds.

Getting A Seed's Pruning Stripe

The seed's pruning stripe corresponds, as explain earlier, to the range of blocks we keep. This is the function that gets the stripe from the pruning seed:

inline uint32_t get_pruning_stripe(uint32_t pruning_seed) { 
  if (pruning_seed == 0) return 0; 
  return 1 + ((pruning_seed >> PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_SHIFT) & PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_MASK); }

A pruning seed of 0 means no pruning. This function is just the inverse of Generating Pruning Seeds so the inputs/outputs of this will just be the other way round.

Getting A Block's Pruning Stripe

A Block's pruning stripe is the stripe that corresponds to keeping that block so for blocks 0 to 4095 this will be 1, for blocks 4096 to 8191 this will be 2. The function in Monero to get the pruning stripe that corresponds to keeping that block is:

uint32_t get_pruning_stripe(uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint32_t log_stripes)
  if (block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height)
    return 0;
  return ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) & (uint64_t)((1ul << log_stripes) - 1)) + 1;

Pruning Stripe Size

This function takes in a number (block_height) and outputs a number 0 to 8. Zero is a special case for if the block_height is within Tip Blocks, this means every seed should keep this block. For 1 to 8 the output will rotate every 4096 so if I input 0 the output is 1 and if I input 4096 the output is 2 and so on...

explaining what the function is doing in depth:

As you can see, this function first checks if the block_height is within Tip Blocks and returns 0, because every seed will have this block.

((1ul << log_stripes) - 1) This sets the last 3 bits: 0000 0111 so when we bitand we remove every other bit.


  • for any block 0 to 4095 dividing by 4096 will output 0 (stripe: 1)
  • for any block 4096 to 8191 dividing by 4096 will output 1 (stripe: 2)
  • for any blocks 32768 to 36863 dividing by 4096 will output 8 (stripe: 1)

Here's an issue, we need the strips to be cyclic. A result of 8 should give an output of 1, and a result of 455 should give an output of 5. To do so we just use the modulo operation. (8 mod 8 = 1, 455 mod 8 = 5) In binary operation, if the divisor is a power of two, then this is equivalent to bitand the value with the divisor -1:

This is why if we bitand this with 7 (0000 0111), this then becomes:

  • 0 to 4095 would be 0
  • 4096 to 8191 would be 1
  • 32768 to 36863 would be 0

now we are close, all we have to do now to get the stripe is add 1

Getting A Block's Pruning Seed

The Block's pruning seed is the seed that will keep that block. This is the function in Monero:

uint32_t get_pruning_seed(uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint32_t log_stripes)
  const uint32_t stripe = get_pruning_stripe(block_height, blockchain_height, log_stripes);
  if (stripe == 0)
    return 0;
  return make_pruning_seed(stripe, log_stripes);

This is simple, a call to get_pruning_stripe and passing that stripe into make_pruning_seed

Getting The Next Un-pruned Block

For a particular seed and block height we can calculate what the height of the next un-pruned block will be. The function to do this in Monero is:

uint64_t get_next_unpruned_block_height(uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint32_t pruning_seed)
  CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(block_height <= CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER+1, block_height, "block_height too large");
  CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(blockchain_height <= CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER+1, block_height, "blockchain_height too large");
  const uint32_t stripe = get_pruning_stripe(pruning_seed);
  if (stripe == 0)
    return block_height;
  if (block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height)
    return block_height;
  const uint32_t seed_log_stripes = get_pruning_log_stripes(pruning_seed);
  const uint64_t log_stripes = seed_log_stripes ? seed_log_stripes : CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES;
  const uint64_t mask = (1ul << log_stripes) - 1;
  const uint32_t block_pruning_stripe = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) & mask) + 1;
  if (block_pruning_stripe == stripe)
    return block_height;
  const uint64_t cycles = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) >> log_stripes);
  const uint64_t cycle_start = cycles + ((stripe > block_pruning_stripe) ? 0 : 1);
  const uint64_t h = cycle_start * (CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE << log_stripes) + (stripe - 1) * CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE;
  if (h + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > blockchain_height)
    return blockchain_height < CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS ? 0 : blockchain_height - CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS;
  CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(h >= block_height, block_height, "h < block_height, unexpected");
  return h;

As you can see this is a monstrous function

explaining what the function is doing in depth:

const uint32_t stripe = get_pruning_stripe(pruning_seed);
if (stripe == 0)
  return block_height;
if (block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height)
  return block_height;

This is calculating the stripe of the inputted pruning seed, remember if the seed/stripe is 0 that means no pruning so we can return the current height as the next un-pruned height and similarly if the block's height is within Tip Blocks of the blockchain's height that also means the block won't be pruned.

const uint32_t seed_log_stripes = get_pruning_log_stripes(pruning_seed);
const uint64_t log_stripes = seed_log_stripes ? seed_log_stripes : CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES;
const uint64_t mask = (1ul << log_stripes) - 1;

This is calculating the log stripes of the seed, although Monero currently only allows a log stripes of 3 in the future a higher number could be allowed so this function accounts for that.

If the seed's log stripes are zero this will set it to CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES which is currently 3.

Then this sets the value of mask to one less than the amount of stripes, for Monero the amount of stripes is 8 so mask will be 7.

const uint32_t block_pruning_stripe = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) & mask) + 1;
if (block_pruning_stripe == stripe)
  return block_height;

This calculates the block's pruning stripe using the same method that we saw in this function.

This then checks if the block's stripe is the same as the seed stripe, if you remember if a seed and block have the same stripe that means the seed will keep the block, so we can just return the entered block_height.

const uint64_t cycles = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) >> log_stripes);

This calculates how many cycles of this table we have done:

cycle 0:0 - 40954096 - 8,1918192 - 12287..........
cycle 1:32768 - 36863..............
cycle 2:................

If we think about what this is doing, this makes sense:

\(cycles = \frac{block height}{CRYPTONOTE PRUNING STRIPE SIZE} * \frac{1}{2^{log stripes}} \)

for normal Monero pruning this is the same as:

\(cycles = \frac{block height}{4096 * 2^{3}} = \frac{block height}{32768}\)

const uint64_t cycle_start = cycles + ((stripe > block_pruning_stripe) ? 0 : 1);

This checks if we are a past our seeds stripe in a cycle and if we are past it we add one to the number of cycles to get cycles_start which is the start of the cycle our stripe will next be storing blocks in.

const uint64_t h = cycle_start * (CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE << log_stripes) + (stripe - 1) * CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE;

If you remember from the table here each stripe will keep a part of the blockchain in a cyclic manner, which replates every 32,768.

  • so stripe 1 will keep numb_of_cycles * 32768 + 0 * 4096
  • so stripe 2 will keep numb_of_cycles * 32768 + 1 * 4096
  • so stripe 3 will keep numb_of_cycles * 32768 + 2 * 4096

Each stripe will stop keeping blocks at one less than the next stripes start.

This can be formalized into the equation:

numb_of_cycles * blocks_in_a_cycle + (stripe - 1) * stripe_size

which also equals:

numb_of_cycles * (stripe_size * amt_of_stripes) + (stripe - 1) * stripe_size

Knowing this, let's split this into 2 parts:

Part 1:

cycle_start * (CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE << log_stripes)

This gets the block height at the start of the cycle_start cycle, so if cycle_start was:

  • 0 the height would be 0
  • 1 the height would be 32768
  • 2 the height would be 65536

Which is: numb_of_cycles * blocks_in_a_cycle.
For normal Monero pruning: numb_of_cycles * (4096 * 8)

Part 2:


This gets how many blocks from the start of a cycle until the seeds stripe starts.

For example if the seed's stripe was:

  • 1 the amount of blocks would be 0
  • 2 the amount of blocks would be 4096
  • 3 the amount of blocks would be 8192

which is: (stripe-1) * stripe_size

As you can see if we add the amount of blocks until the start of a cycle (numb_of_cycles * blocks_in_a_cycle) to the amount of blocks into a cycle the until the seed's stripe "kicks in" ((stripe-1) * stripe_size) we will get the next un-pruned height.

if (h + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > blockchain_height)
    return blockchain_height < CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS ? 0 : blockchain_height - CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS;
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(h >= block_height, block_height, "h < block_height, unexpected");
return h;

We now have to check if the height we calculated is above the tip blocks, if it is we get the starting height of the tip blocks and return that or if it isn't over the tip blocks we can just return the calculated height. Yay, we are done!

Getting The Next Pruned Block

For a particular seed and block height we can calculate what the height of the next pruned block will be. The function to do this in Monero is:

uint64_t get_next_pruned_block_height(uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint32_t pruning_seed)
  const uint32_t stripe = get_pruning_stripe(pruning_seed);
  if (stripe == 0)
    return blockchain_height;
  if (block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height)
    return blockchain_height;
  const uint32_t seed_log_stripes = get_pruning_log_stripes(pruning_seed);
  const uint64_t log_stripes = seed_log_stripes ? seed_log_stripes : CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES;
  const uint64_t mask = (1ul << log_stripes) - 1;
  const uint32_t block_pruning_seed = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) & mask) + 1;
  if (block_pruning_seed != stripe)
    return block_height;
  const uint32_t next_stripe = 1 + (block_pruning_seed & mask);
  return get_next_unpruned_block_height(block_height, blockchain_height, tools::make_pruning_seed(next_stripe, log_stripes));

explaining what the function is doing in depth:

const uint32_t stripe = get_pruning_stripe(pruning_seed);
if (stripe == 0)
  return blockchain_height;
if (block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height)
  return blockchain_height;

This is calculating the stripe of the inputted pruning seed, remember if the seed/stripe is 0 that means no pruning so we can return the blockchain height as the next un-pruned height and similarly if the block's height is within Tip Blocks of the blockchain's height that also means the block won't be pruned.

Returning the blockchain's height means the next pruned block doesn't currently exist, its bigger than or equal to blockchain_height - CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS or it means it will never exist in the case of a zero pruning seed.

const uint32_t seed_log_stripes = get_pruning_log_stripes(pruning_seed);
const uint64_t log_stripes = seed_log_stripes ? seed_log_stripes : CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES;
const uint64_t mask = (1ul << log_stripes) - 1;

This is calculating the log stripes of the seed, although Monero currently only allows a log stripes of 3 in the future a higher number could be allowed so this function accounts for that.

If the seed's log stripes are zero this will set it to CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES which is currently 3.

Then this sets the value of mask to one less than the amount of stripes, for Monero the amount of stripes is 8 so mask will be 7.

const uint32_t block_pruning_seed = ((block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE) & mask) + 1;
if (block_pruning_seed != stripe)
  return block_height;

There is a typo here it should be block_pruning_stripe, think of this as foreshadowing what we are about to do

This calculates the blocks pruning seed STRIPE using the same method that we saw in this function.

This then checks if the block's stripe is NOT the same as the seed stripe, if you remember if a seed and block don't have the same stripe that means the seed will prune that block, so we can just return the entered block_height.

const uint32_t next_stripe = 1 + (block_pruning_seed & mask);
return get_next_unpruned_block_height(block_height, blockchain_height, tools::make_pruning_seed(next_stripe, log_stripes));

Because the seed's stripe == the block's stripe we need to work out when our stripe ends (when the next stripe starts to get the next pruned block). To do this we can simply calculate the next stripe, make a new pruning seed and pass in that seed, which has a stripe one more than ours, into get next un-pruned block to get the start of the next stripe's un-pruned set and therefore the start of our next pruned set.