Admin Messages

This chapter describes admin messages, and documents the current admin messages. Admin messages are a subset of messages that handle connection creation, making sure connections are still alive, and sharing peer lists.


All admin messages are in the request/response levin format. This means requests will set the expect response bit and responses will set the return code to 1.



ID: 10011

Request 2

node_databasic node dataStatic information about our node
payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state

Response 3

node_databasic node dataStatic information about our node
payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state
local_peerlist_newA Vec of peer list entry baseA list of peers in the node's peer list

Timed Sync

ID: 10024

Request 5

payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state

Response 6

payload_datacore sync dataInformation on the node's sync state
local_peerlist_newA Vec of peer list entry baseA list of peers in the node's peer list


ID: 10037

Request 8

No data is serialized for a ping request.

Response 9

statusstringWill be OK for successful pings
peer_idu64The self assigned id of the peer

Request Support Flags

ID: 100710

Request 11

No data is serialized for a support flags request.

Response 12

support_flagsu32The peer's support flags